
Select the state in which your Project resides and is the subject of Security of Payment legislation

Once selected you will be redirected to the correct form to start your submission

Tips to completing your do it yourself submission document

Slow is smooth and smooth is fast !

You’re owed money so it makes sense that you want to do the best job possible in order to increase your chance of getting every cent you are owed back. So go slow and steady. Read everything and take your time to get it right. Wait for forms to load and make sure you understand what you are answering !

Have all these documents and information ready

A key tip for preparing an easy submission document is to have all your material ready. It will make such a difference to your experience. Heres a list of everything you may need.

  • Your claimant entity name, contact details, registered address, phone, email, ABN, ACN, GST status (depending on entity type) and the ABN / ACN PDF extracts.
  • If you are using an agent, all their details as above.
  • The respondents entity name, contact details, registered address, phone, email, ABN, ACN, (depending on entity type) and the ABN / ACN PDF extracts.
  • If the respondent is using an agent, all their details as above.
  • The type of work performed or goods / services.
  • If you need to be licensed and the license extract pdf.
  • The contract document PDF and references to clause numbers and names and data that may be in the contract like interest rate, reference dates, payment terms, payment schedule timeframes etc…
  • The details of the project, type, brief description of scope, site address.
  • Payment Claim. PDF proving service and PDF of the actual payment claim.
  • Payment schedule (if served). PDF proving service and PDF of the actual payment schedule.
  • Any PDF statutory declarations explaining your issues.
  • Any PDF supporting documents like expert reports, photos, project documents etc…

And of course you can make multiple paragraphs explaining to the adjudicator what your dispute issues are.

How long does this take !

Anything worth doing takes time and in the case of recovering unpaid amounts this is no different. Realistically if you have all your material ready and in front of you this can only take 1-2 hours depending on your situation. The fastest it can take is 30-45 minutes for simple claims and contracts. If you have trouble writing down your story thats no problem you can take a few days and save and continue as you go after all the logic questions have been answered.

I need help with the questions

No problem. We have tried to design a system that takes complex legislation and the uncertainty of your particular circumstances into consideration in our questions, our sequence and how we go about things. Naturally there may be a few issues with something that can appear complex.

First, start with the specific wording of the question.

Read the orange question marked tool tips located next to the fields for hints on whats being asked and the expecetd way to answer.

Next look at the answers presented and pick the best and most logical choice.

You can always have the help topics open at the same time in a separate window to help you as you go through.

Lastly send us an email to or complete our contact form and tell us where you are getting stuck. Whilst we have an automated system, we will try and assist for your circumstances as best we can given the questions you may have.

When can I save and continue ?

You will be able to save and continue with your submision once you reach section 6, the dispute section. You must first answer all the required logic driven questions to derive your basic entitlements and due dates. Then once completed you will have an ability to enter all the data you want on your particular dispute. You can save and continue and an email will be sent to you with a link so you can edit and complete at a later stage. Some people complete it right away and others take a few days to get everything just perfect.

I made an error and my report doesn't read correctly

Thats no problem. You can edit your report using the edit link in your email notification and you can get the wording just right. You can do this as many times as you need to get your submission document perfect.


Why can't I change the payment claim amount ?

We do not allow you to change the payment claim amount as this is the unique part about your submission document linked to our payment and the number of times you may want to edit your submission document. If you want to claim a different amount you will need to start again.

I'm doing Vic, SA, TAS, NT, ACT and WA and get redirected

Yes. Our system is fully automated for Queensland and New South Wales. Our other states require you to fill in a quote request so we can help you further. Why ? Because of the lower volume of these adjudications and in the case of Victoria because of the intended legislation change.

Yes, we can still help you though. Follow our instructions and we will be in touch.

System known issues and limitations

1. You must use a desktop computer to use this site. It is far too complex for a mobile phone or tablet.

2. You must complete all the logic based questions and answers before you can get to step 6 which is where you can save and continue from.

3. Some pages take 15-30 seconds to load. They are doing calculations and logic based decisions. They have not frozen.

4. Do not use your browser back button to navigate. This will eliminate the logic based decisions and require you to resubmit them.

5. The PDF previewer will not show the attachments file names properly in the table of contents until you submit the form. All will then be correct.

6. The copy prevention watermark and black redaction of the PDF previewer is there for a reason. We have not redacted any of your generated content, just ours. This is to prevent you from not paying us for all the hard work that has gone into this system. If you want a submission document you need to fairly pay, just like the work you have performed !

7. Don’t worry we are here to help you as much as we can but remember we are not acting as your agents nor lawyers. We will not provide you legal advice.

8. You can always edit your document for free after you have submitted it to fix any spelling or wording issues. You cannot change any logic based selections and will need to restart again. Contact us if you need to do this and you have already paid, otherwise you can just restart a submission again from the beginning.


Still need help ? Click here for FAQ’s or here for the help file

Still all too hard ?