Time Saving Resources For Adjudicators

Constructionpay also has services based on a cost effective yearly subscription for Adjudicators.

Yearly subscription to use as many times as you want.

Use this free tool if you need to work out your calendar day or business day time calculations. Remember to always manually double check your dates and excluded days or public holidays.

Yes you can even use our quote request form to receive quote requests sent directly to you via email. Just email your potential customers a link and they can fill in and direct their request to you to help them with their application and submissions.

Coming Soon ! An online process that you or your support staff can use to cut down on the time it takes to vet a referred Adjudication Application for date based Jurisdictional contract and within time and service issues.

This module checks all relevant dates required under the BIF Act including calculating business days, excluded days and holidays. Due dates for payment schedules, application deadlines, adjudication responses, extension of time requests and decision due dates.

Coming soon ! Subscribe to our online data base of adjudication based case law from recent judicial decisions. 

Coming Soon ! An online process to assist you in preparing a draft Adjudication decision including checking all relevant dates and some jurisdictional checks. This will not produce a decision but will check most of the statutory requirements and produce a report to validate the application is within time and you have jurisdiction based on date related timeframes. You must produce your own decision. This is merely another tool to assist.

Subscriptions for Adjudicators

Subscription Bundle

Subscribe for all above modules for a lower price saving you time, money and hastle. Let automation take care of all the boring bits and leaving the smart work to you.

Enquire about the subscription model