Time Saving Resources For Lawyers &

Claims Preparers

Constructionpay also has services based on a cost effective yearly subscription for Lawyers.

One off use or yearly subscriptions to use as many times as you want.

Use this free tool if you need to work out your calendar day or business day time calculations. Remember to always manually double check your dates and excluded days or public holidays.

Do you really know the reputation of who’s been contracted ? Use this simple tool to help search some of the commonly available databases and get a consolidated report that you put together yourself. All the information in the one spot.

Have your clients use our quote request form for you to receive concise information about their dispute sent directly to you via email. Just email your potential customers a link or direct them to this site and they can fill in and direct their request to you.

Quickly produce compliant payment claims for your clients invoicing or for resubmitting payment claims under the Security Of Payment Acts with a new reference date. This module makes sure there is no confusion about the document being a payment claim under any Act in Australia.

Quickly produce compliant payment schedules for your clients in response to claimants invoicing / payment claims under the Security Of Payment Acts. This module makes sure there is no confusion about the document being a payment schedule under any Act in Australia and makes sure you provide reasons for each payment claim item being valued.

An online process that you or your support staff can use to cut down on the time it takes to prepare a package of pertinent material for review to determine if a Payment Claim is suitable for a Security Of Payment Application.

Have your clients use this directly and send it to you in a consolidated and consise format, saving both you and them time and money.

Coming Soon ! This module checks all relevant dates required under the Acts including calculating business days, excluded days and holidays for determining cut off dates for payment claims, final claims, due dates for payment, payment schedules and Adjudication submission cut off dates depending on the type of application being made.

An online process that you or your support staff can use to quickly produce a smaller dollar Adjudication  Submission document. This module performs automatic calendar and business day date checks to ensure validity of Payment Claims, Due Dates for Payment, Payment Schedule and Application Submission dates.

Coming Soon ! An online process that you or your support staff can use to quickly produce a draft Adjudication  Submission document for your review and subsequent editing. Excellent for junior staff and firms entering construction law and building payment claim disputes. Brilliant for large claim drafts to get the basics down on paper fast !

This module also performs automatic calendar and business day date checks to ensure validity of Payment Claims, Due Dates for Payment, Payment Schedule and Application Submission dates.

Subscriptions for Lawyers & Claims Preparers

Subscription Bundle

Subscribe for all above modules for the low price below saving you time, money and hastle. Taking care of all the boring bits and leaving the smart work to you.

Enquire about the subscription model, or request a special mix.