Need help getting paid ? use Adjudication !


For Tradies and all Building, Construction and Engineering companies

Australia wide

We are going to revolutionise Payment Claim disputes and Adjudication

What’s Constructionpay ?

Constructionpay is a fast, efficient, online process that will assist you in creating a bespoke Adjudication Application submission. All you need to do is follow the step by step instructions, provide the requested data, documents and supporting evidence of your claim and the Constructionpay system will design and build a professional Adjudication Application Submission for your particular circumstances for you to then submit.

You control the whole process and can take as little time or as long as you want. Constructionpay also takes the guess work out of determining claim validity and if you are still within time to make an Adjudication Application.

Constructionpay is not an online form or a template. Its a full blown application that steps you through the Security Of Payment legislation, prompts you for you the right information and then checks you are still within time.

“Some are fortunate enough to have their submissions created by Construction Laywers.

For the rest of us there’s Constructionpay.

Adjudication Submission documents with Firm Fixed Pricing for smaller Payment Claims

Ideal for those who want an ecconomical, professional submission. You control the information going in, the speed of completion and the ultimate end quality.

Produce your own Adjudication Submission Documents

Claims above $50,000, Adjudication submissions documents

If you’ve got a claim above $50,000 and want to use our automated system to produce a submission document then that’s ok, constructionpay is perfect for that also. For these claims we will cap our fee at a flat rate of $4,850 for anything over a $50,000 claim. Thats a great deal !

Higher value or more complicated Payment Claims

If you’ve got a higher value Payment Claim then Constructionpay is perfect for you also. Designed by Engineers and Adjudicators we know exactly whats required to articulate your Adjudication Submission well such that your technical and real world issues get explained such that an Adjudicator can easily understand your position and make a decision based on the facts that you present.

Because every situation is different we provide a customised quotation based on your particular circumstances. Just because you have a large dollar amount of your claim doesn’t mean that we charge more. Often you may be owed a large amount of money because of a few simple issues. We don’t penalise you for that. Tell us about your claim in our quote request below and we will provide you a customised price based on your circumstances.

Payment Claims, Payment Schedules, Lawyer Briefs & Date Checkers

I think I still need a Lawyer but I just want a way to reduce their bill

We understand that sometimes you just want to engage a lawyer. We get that and understand that you probably also want to reduce the hours that they work on your file for them to review your data. We have a solution for that also.

Constructionpay has a special module designed for just this. It collects all the data from you and neatly packages this up in an email and a preparatory document for your Lawyers to easily get accross your file quickly and efficiently saving hours. Think of it like your creating a legal brief for your Lawyer to easily review and digest the material so they can then take over the file and prepare their own submissions.

Adjudication resources for Lawyers

Constructionpay also provides a range of subscription services to assist you or your support staff in creating your own Lawyers Briefing packs and Adjudication Submissions which takes the time and hard work out of preparing material and ensuring Applications are within time and valid.


For Adjudicators

Constructionpay also provides a range of subscription services in validating actual referred Adjudication Applications and date checking that takes the time and hard work out of ensuring Applications are within time and valid.


For Body Corporates

If your building is getting work done and you have a dispute with an invoice you must provide a Payment Schedule. For Body Corporates we can help you easily generate Payment Schedules for the work being performed by your contractors.


We started Constructionpay to address a need in the building and construction industry for a solution for tradies, builders and constructors to have their payment disputes resolved cost effectively. Often for small claims of $1,500 upwards to $15,000 Adjudications are significantly affected by the quality of submissions presented and those who could afford Lawyers tended to get better outcomes, although preparing claims below $5,000 is rare due to the cost involved in preparing them in the first place.  Not anymore, with Constructionpay we have put the quality of the submission in your hands at an affordable price.

Constructionpay Team

Your behind the scenes helpers, Constructionpay Pty Ltd

I’m in genuine financial hardship and need help !!!

If you have a payment Claim up to $25,000 and are genuinely in need of assistance with your payment dispute and cannot afford our services we still may be able to help you. We hate to see good honest working people suffer through non payment. In certain circumstances if you have a genuine payment dispute, where you are legitimately owed money, we will provide you access to our system through a special one time code so you can make your own submission and lodge it. You only pay us if you are successful in the Adjudication. Contact us to discuss your circumstances and we will see if we can help.